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Command Decorators

Take a loot at the differente decorators that seyfert provides to create commands.

@Declare() API

This decorator is used to declare a command. It is used to define the command name, the command description, and the command options.

  • name: The name of the slash command.
  • description: The description of the slash command.
  • dm: If the command can be used in DMs.
  • guildId: guildsIds where the command can be published.

@Options() API

This decorator simplifies the setup of slash commands by using an option object. Seyfert provides a range of user-friendly decorators designed to make defining command options straightforward.

@Middlewares() API

Seyfert offers an advanced middleware system that is fully typed and incredibly powerful. This system takes in a list of middlewares, which are functions that run before a command is executed.

You can learn how to create middlewares and use them here.

Sub-command related decorators

@Groups() and @Group()

Seyfert handles all aspects of the commands for you, including the command group system that discord exposes.

@Groups() is the decorator to tell a parent command what groups it will have and handle.

@Group() is the decorator to tell a subcommand (child command) what group it belongs to.

@AutoLoad API

This decorator is used to automatically load all the sub-command files in the directory where parent is located.