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Command Options

In this page we list all the options functions that you can use to create options for your commands, a briefly example how to setup commands was given in Creating your first command

In general each function takes the following parameters, then some functions have some specific parameters:

  • description: The description of the option.
  • required?: Whether the option is required.
  • value?: Callback where you filter the value sent by discord before it reaches the main command. How to use here

Type Options


choices: createStringOption({
choices: [
{ name: 'The best library', value: 'seyfert' },
{ name: 'An odd typa stuff', value: 'oceanicjs' }
autocomplete: createStringOption({
autocomplete: (interaction) => {
const select = ['bugs', 'actions', 'random'];
const focus = interaction.getInput();
return interaction.respond(
.filter((ch) => ch.includes(focus))
.map((ch) => ({ name: ch, value: ch }))
limitLength: createStringOption({
max_length: 500,
min_length: 200


choices: createIntegerOption({
choices: [
{ name: 'seyfert', value: 1 },
{ name: '?discord.js', value: 2 },
{ name: '??oceanicjs', value: 3 }
autocomplete: createIntegerOption({
autocomplete: (interaction) => {
const select = ['1651611', '4616165156549', '15616416515616'];
const focus = interaction.getInput();
return interaction.respond(
.filter((ch) => ch.includes(`${focus}`))
.map((ch) => ({ name: ch, value: parseInt(ch) }))
limitValue: createIntegerOption({
max_value: 500,
min_value: 200


choices: createNumberOption({
choices: [
{ name: 'seyfert', value: 1 },
{ name: '?discord.js', value: 2 },
{ name: '??Oceanicjs', value: 3 }
autocomplete: createNumberOption({
autocomplete: (interaction) => {
// imagine javascript Number or Integer kekw
const select = ['1651611', '4616165156549', '15616416515616'];
const focus = interaction.getInput();
return interaction.respond(
.filter((ch) => ch.includes(`${focus}`))
.map((ch) => ({ name: ch, value: parseInt(ch) }))
limitValue: createNumberOption({
max_value: 500,
min_value: 200


channel: createChannelOption({
description: 'This is a channel option',
import { ChannelTypes } from 'seyfert/lib/types';
channelTypes: createChannelOption({
description: 'This is a limited channel option',
channel_types: [ChannelTypes.GuildVoice]


bool: createBooleanOption({
description: 'This is a boolean option',
required: true


user: createUserOption({
description: 'This is a user option',
required: true


role: createRoleOption({
description: 'This is a role option',
required: true


mentionable: createMentionableOption({
description: 'This is a mentionable option',
required: true


attachment: createAttachmentOption({
description: 'This is a attachment option',
required: true

Using the value callback

import { OKFunction } from 'seyfert';
url: createStringOption({
description: 'how to be a gamer',
value(data, ok: OKFunction<URL>, fail) {
if (isUrl(data.value)) return ok(new URL(data.value));
fail('expected a valid url');