Sub-Zero (Sub Commands)
We’ve covered the basics of creating a command, but what if we want to create a command that has subcommands? For example, we want to create a command with a create
subcommand and a delete
subcommand. This is where subcommands come into play.
Creating a Subcommand
To create a subcommand, we need to create a new class that extends SubCommand
and implement the run
method. Then, we need to add the subcommand to the main command.
Let’s assume you have the following directory structure:
- src
- create.command.ts
- delete.command.ts
- parent.ts
- index.ts
- seyfert.config.mjs
- package.json
- tsconfig.json
In the example above, we created a create
subcommand and a delete
subcommand. Then, we added the subcommands to the main command using the @Options
Subcommand Groups
For a more divided structure, you can create groups for subcommands using the @Group
and @Groups
decorators in the main command.
import { class SubCommand
SubCommand, function Declare(declare: CommandDeclareOptions): <T extends { new (...args: any[]): object;}>(target: T) => { new (...args: any[]): { name: string; nsfw: boolean | undefined; props: ExtraProps | undefined; contexts: InteractionContextType[]; integrationTypes: ApplicationIntegrationType[]; defaultMemberPermissions: bigint | undefined; botPermissions: bigint | undefined; description: string; type: ApplicationCommandType; guildId?: string[]; ignore?: IgnoreCommand; aliases?: string[]; handler?: EntryPointCommandHandlerType; };} & T
Declare, class CommandContext<T extends OptionsRecord = {}, M extends keyof RegisteredMiddlewares = never>interface CommandContext<T extends OptionsRecord = {}, M extends keyof RegisteredMiddlewares = never>
CommandContext, function Group(groupName: string): <T extends { new (...args: any[]): object;}>(target: T) => { new (...args: any[]): { group: string; };} & T
Group } from 'seyfert';
@function Declare(declare: CommandDeclareOptions): <T extends { new (...args: any[]): object;}>(target: T) => { new (...args: any[]): { name: string; nsfw: boolean | undefined; props: ExtraProps | undefined; contexts: InteractionContextType[]; integrationTypes: ApplicationIntegrationType[]; defaultMemberPermissions: bigint | undefined; botPermissions: bigint | undefined; description: string; type: ApplicationCommandType; guildId?: string[]; ignore?: IgnoreCommand; aliases?: string[]; handler?: EntryPointCommandHandlerType; };} & T
Declare({ name: string
name: 'subcommand', description: string
description: 'One of my subcommands within the my-group group',})@function Group(groupName: string): <T extends { new (...args: any[]): object;}>(target: T) => { new (...args: any[]): { group: string; };} & T
Group('my-group')export default class class GroupMySubCommand
GroupMySubCommand extends class SubCommand
SubCommand { CommandContext): Promise<void | WebhookMessage>
run(ctx: CommandContext<{}, never>
ctx: class CommandContext<T extends OptionsRecord = {}, M extends keyof RegisteredMiddlewares = never>interface CommandContext<T extends OptionsRecord = {}, M extends keyof RegisteredMiddlewares = never>
CommandContext) { return ctx: CommandContext<{}, never>
ctx.CommandContext<{}, never>.write<false>(body: InteractionCreateBodyRequest, withResponse?: false | undefined): Promise<void | WebhookMessage>
write({ content?: string | undefined
The message contents (up to 2000 characters)
content: 'Hello from the subcommand!', }); }}