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Listening Events

Updating seyfert config

Before starting this chapter we shall update seyfert.config.js in order to tell seyfert where our events file will be.

// @ts-check
const { config } = require('seyfert');
module.exports ={
token: process.env.BOT_TOKEN ?? "",
intents: ["Guilds"],
locations: {
base: "src",
output: "dist",
commands: "commands",
events: "events" // - src/events will be our events directory

Listening Event

Each event file shall export by default the createEvent function so seyfert is able to load them

Let’s listen the botReady event as first example

import { createEvent } from "seyfert";
export default createEvent({
// botReady executes when all shards and guilds are ready.
data: { once: true, name: "botReady" },
run(user, client) {`${user.username} is ready`);

Let’s check another example with guildDelete event:

import { createEvent } from "seyfert";
export default createEvent({
data: { name: "guildDelete" },
run(unguild, client) {
// it's possible that the guild has been deleted.
if (unguild.unavailable) return;`I have been kicked out of: ${}`);

Below is the current file tree of the project if you did follow the previous steps.

  • Directorysrc
    • Directorycommands
      • ping.ts
    • Directoryevents
      • botReady.ts
      • guildDelete.ts
    • index.ts
  • package.json
  • seyfert.config.js
  • .env
  • tsconfig.json